Saturday, July 9, 2022

Back in the USA

 Back in the USA

So thankful to be back in the states.  Had a lot of fun in Cancun and thought maybe it would be fun to bring Cancun back home with me, but it wouldn't fit in my luggage.  Just kidding.  I did grab a couple souvenirs for my family in the APC Foundation Trust.  At the end of the day, there's only one power.  One present.  You are all one with me so theoretically you were there in Cancun as well, so you maybe just didn't realize it.  Hope you had a good time!  I invite you to channel the spirit of Cancun in your thoughts and prayers today wherever you are.  Bring all the good that you can imagine to this present moment.  Enliven and share, spread the wisdom and fullness.  Create a better life like we are all in Cancun together again.  Always fill your own cup first until it spills out and splashes on the shores of the believers and unbelievers alike.  Thank me later.  

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What is Prayer?

And so it is.