Wednesday, May 24, 2023

The Ultimate Guide to Making Money in the New Thought Movement

 The Ultimate Guide to Making Money in the New Thought Movement

The New Thought Movement has been gaining traction in recent years for its focus on mindset, manifestation, and empowerment. The movement's popularity has led to a sizeable market of people seeking to improve their lives through these principles, creating vast business opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we explore how to capitalize on the monetization potential of the New Thought Movement and embark on a journey toward financial freedom.

Understanding the New Thought Market

The first step in creating a successful business in the New Thought Movement is understanding the market. Analyzing current trends and customer needs will assist in identifying market gaps and potential opportunities for profit. Conducting market research will aid the process of identifying the target audience and laying out a plan to cater to their needs effectively.

Finding Your Niche

After thoroughly examining the market, it's time to identify your niche. With a clear definition of your purpose and unique selling proposition, you can distinguish yourself from others in the industry. Identifying your target audience maximizes the attention, credibility, and loyalty of the audience. Analyzing competition allows you to identify areas where differentiation can be made.

Monetizing Your Brand

Once you have developed a brand identity and business plan, you are now fit to monetize your brand. Completing preliminary steps such as building a website and developing a marketing strategy that aligns with your values will create a foundation for monetization. Diversifying income streams is a smart business strategy which includes leveraging social media platforms, creating courses, and publishing books.

Building a Successful Online Empire

Maximizing social media platforms and search engine optimization (SEO) are key aspects of building a successful online empire. Ensure that you create an online presence that's both holistic and effective for maximum productivity. Nurturing your community is essential to improving customer engagement, brand loyalty, and eventually, immersing your audience in your brand experience.

Investing in Personal and Professional Development

Investing in personal and professional development will set you apart from other entrepreneurs in the industry. Fostering the correct mindset is key, as it builds a foundation for abundance and success. Obtaining a mentorship and ongoing education in essential skills or personal development can potentially lead to a significant competitive advantage.


In conclusion, with this guide, you can identify profitable business opportunities within the New Thought Movement. The guide outlined steps essential to build a strong foundation, including understanding the market, finding your niche, monetizing your brand, building a successful online empire, and investing in personal and professional development. Taking these actionable steps will propel you into the world of entrepreneurship, where you will turn your passion into financial freedom.

And so it is.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

"And So It Is: A Song of Love and Destiny" A New Song for Divine Science #100

 And So It Is: A Song of Love and Destiny

Verse 1:

Here we stand, hand in hand

In this moment, I understand

Every step that led us here

Was worth the struggles and the tears


And so it is, my heart beats for you

Every breath I take, I take for two

Together, we'll conquer every fear

And so it is, my love, forever more

Verse 2:

In your eyes I see the light

That shines so bright, it's like the night

Has lost its power to steal

The love that we have so real


And so it is, my heart beats for you

Every breath I take, I take for two

Together, we'll conquer every fear

And so it is, my love, forever more


I know the road won't always be easy

But with you by my side, I'll never be uneasy

I'll follow you to the ends of the earth

Through storms and sunshine, for what it’s worth


And so it is, my heart beats for you

Every breath I take, I take for two

Together, we'll conquer every fear

And so it is, my love, forever more


And so it is, the stars above

Witnessed this story of love

And it continues to grow

And so it is, forever more

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

"Unlocking the Power of Prayer: Asking for Spiritual Help the Right Way"

 "Unlocking the Power of Prayer: Asking for Spiritual Help the Right Way"

Prayer is an integral part of the religious experience for millions of people around the world. While there are many different types of prayer, one of the most meaningful is asking for spiritual help. Not only does this serve to strengthen your relationship with God, it can also bring about powerful changes in your life and circumstances. However, it is essential to approach asking for spiritual help in the right way. In this article, we will explore the key principles of how to properly ask God for spiritual help.

Before delving into the specifics, it is important to understand why it is necessary to seek help from God. The Bible teaches us that life is full of challenges and struggles, and that gaining wisdom, strength, and guidance from God is essential for overcoming them. By asking for God’s help, we acknowledge our limitations and our need for a higher power to guide us through difficult times.

Mental Preparation: Creating an Atmosphere for Prayer, Clearing the Mind, and Focusing on God

Before approaching God for spiritual help, it is important to prepare your mind and heart for prayer. This can be accomplished by finding a quiet place to pray, eliminating distractions, and focusing on God. It is also beneficial to clear your mind of any negative thoughts or emotions that might hinder your ability to connect with God. By creating an atmosphere of worship and reverence, you can better prepare yourself to receive guidance and spiritual strength.

Emotional Preparation: Acknowledging Your Vulnerabilities and Negative Emotions Before Seeking God’s Help

Being honest with yourself about your vulnerabilities and negative emotions is another key element of mental preparation. Recognizing these areas in your life that need improvement is the first step towards seeking spiritual guidance and direction. Once you have identified these weaknesses, it is important to bring them before God through prayer.

Spiritual Preparation: Sincerely Repenting of Sin and Confessing Before Approaching God for Help

In addition to mental and emotional preparation, spiritual preparation is also necessary before seeking God’s help. This involves acknowledging your sin and sincerely repenting of any wrongdoing before approaching God in prayer. Confessing your sins and seeking forgiveness is an essential element of spiritual growth and development, and it opens the door for God to work in your life in powerful ways.

The Three Key Elements of Prayer for Spiritual Help: Humility, Specificity, and Persistence

When it comes to asking for spiritual help, there are three key elements that must be present. The first is humility, meaning that you recognize and acknowledge your limitations and dependence on God. The second is specificity, meaning that you clearly state your request and desired outcomes in your prayer. The third is persistence, meaning that you continue to pray for help even when it appears that your request has not been answered.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Asking for Spiritual Help

While there are many ways to approach asking for spiritual help, there are also some common mistakes that should be avoided. One is doubting God's willingness to answer prayer, or approaching prayer with a skeptical or cynical attitude. Another mistake is insincerity in motives, such as seeking God's help to gain material possessions or to meet personal desires. Finally, trying to manipulate God with your request is also a mistake that should be avoided.


Asking for spiritual help is a fundamental aspect of the spiritual journey. By approaching God with humility, specificity, and persistence, you can unlock the power of prayer and receive guidance and strength to overcome life's challenges. By avoiding common mistakes and actively engaging in prayer, you can foster a deeper relationship with God and experience the transformative power of His love and grace in your life.

And so it is.

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

ZEN-Find the Light

Tanzan and Ekido were once traveling together down a muddy road. A heavy rain was still falling.

Coming around a bend, they met a lovely girl in a silk kimono and sash, unable to cross the intersection.

“Come on, girl” said Tanzan at once. Lifting her in his arms, he carried her over the mud.

Ekido did not speak again until that night when they reached a lodging temple. Then he no longer could restrain himself. “We monks don’t go near females,” he told Tanzan, “especially not young and lovely ones. It is dangerous. Why did you do that?”

“I left the girl there,” said Tanzan. “Are you still carrying her?”

And so it is.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Watering Your Mind

Watering Your Mind: A Guide to Nourishing Your Spirit with New Thought Spirituality

When was the last time you took a moment to tend to your mind-garden? Just like a real garden, your mind needs regular attention and nourishment to thrive. This is where New Thought spirituality comes in - by incorporating the principles of New Thought into your daily routine, you can transform your mind-garden into a flourishing oasis of positivity and growth.

What is New Thought Spirituality?

New Thought is a philosophical movement that emerged in the late 19th century and is based on the belief that our thoughts have the power to shape our reality. This principle is often referred to as "The Law of Attraction" - the idea that the universe will reflect back to us whatever we focus our thoughts and energy on. By understanding and applying the principles of New Thought, we can start to shift our thinking and bring more positivity into our lives.

The Mind-Garden Connection

Before we dive into the tools and principles of New Thought, it's important to first understand the connection between our minds and our inner world. Think of your mind as a garden - just like a real garden, if left untended, it can quickly become overgrown with negative thoughts and beliefs. With regular attention, however, we can cultivate a flourishing mind-garden filled with positivity and growth.

Tools for Tending to Your Mind-Garden with New Thought Spirituality

So, how can we nurture our mind-garden with New Thought spirituality? There are a few key tools and practices that can help:

1. Meditation and visualization: Taking time to quiet your mind through meditation can help you focus on positive thoughts and visualize the future you want to create.

2. Affirmations and positive self-talk: By repeating positive affirmations and using positive self-talk, you can start to shift your mindset and invite more positivity into your life.

3. Journaling and reflection: Writing down your thoughts and reflecting on your experiences can help you gain clarity and perspective on what's important in your life.

Growing for Success: Applying New Thought Spirituality

Now that you understand the principles of New Thought and have some tools for tending to your mind-garden, it's time to start applying these principles to your life. Here are a few tips for getting started:

1. Applying The Law of Attraction to your goals: By focusing your thoughts and energy on your goals, you can start to attract the success and abundance you desire.

2. Tips for overcoming limiting beliefs: It's important to recognize and overcome limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from achieving your goals.

3. Lifestyle changes to support your spiritual growth: Incorporating healthy habits and practices into your daily routine can help support your spiritual growth and keep your mind-garden thriving.

Nourishing Your Mind-Garden Daily

Finally, to truly cultivate a flourishing mind-garden, it's important to make these practices a regular part of your daily routine. By setting aside time each day to focus on your spiritual growth, you can create a life filled with positivity, success, and abundance.

In conclusion, by tending to your mind-garden with New Thought spirituality, you can transform your inner world and create the life of your dreams. With the right tools and practices, you can cultivate a flourishing mind-garden filled with positivity, growth, and success. So, start today - your mind and spirit will thank you!

And so it is.


Papaji (Sri H. W. L. Poonja) - Wake up and Roar

Practice your roar every morning.

And so it is.


Ask and ye shall receive.

And so it is.

Ma & Me: The Anandamayi Ma Documentary

I <3 Ma.

And so it is.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Ravi Ravindra: Wondering "What am I?"

And so it is.

The Importance of Self-Inquiry in New Thought Philosophy

 The Importance of Self-Inquiry in New Thought Philosophy

New Thought Philosophy is a spiritual movement that emphasizes the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction. It believes that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and that we have the power to manifest our desires into our lives. However, before we can begin to consciously create our reality, we need to understand ourselves better. This is where self-inquiry comes into play.

Self-inquiry is the practice of examining our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions to gain a better understanding of ourselves. It is an essential tool for personal growth and development, and it is a cornerstone of New Thought Philosophy.

At its core, self-inquiry is a process of introspection. It is about taking a deeper look at ourselves to uncover our true nature. Through self-inquiry, we can gain greater self-awareness, which helps us to make better decisions, improve our relationships, and live a more meaningful life.

One of the greatest benefits of self-inquiry is increased self-awareness. When we take the time to examine our thoughts and emotions, we can identify patterns in our behavior and gain a better understanding of where they come from. This awareness helps us to break free from negative thought patterns, which can limit our potential and prevent us from living the life we truly desire.

Self-inquiry also leads to enhanced personal growth and development. When we are aware of our thoughts and beliefs, we can begin to challenge them and replace them with more positive and empowering ones. This, in turn, leads to greater self-confidence, improved self-esteem, and a more fulfilling life.

The process of self-inquiry is not always easy. It can be uncomfortable, and it can bring up difficult emotions and memories. However, it is essential for personal growth and development, and the rewards are well worth the effort. To start the process, it is helpful to set aside some time each day for introspection. This can be through journaling, meditation, or mindful reflection.

There are many different techniques for self-inquiry. One of the most popular is journaling, which involves writing down our thoughts and emotions in a notebook or on a computer. This can help us to become more aware of our beliefs and thought patterns, and it can be a helpful tool for exploring our feelings.

Meditation is another effective technique for self-inquiry. It involves quieting the mind and focusing on our breath. This can help us to become more aware of our thoughts and emotions, and it can be a powerful tool for reducing stress and anxiety.

Self-observation is another technique for self-inquiry. It involves observing our thoughts and emotions as a detached observer. This can help us to gain a different perspective on our thoughts and beliefs, and it can be a helpful tool for gaining clarity and insight.

Prominent New Thought thinkers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Napoleon Hill, and Louise Hay have all emphasized the importance of self-inquiry in their teachings. They believed that true personal growth and development can only come from an understanding of ourselves.

Despite its many benefits, there are some common misconceptions about self-inquiry. Some people believe that it is only for people with problems, or that it is selfish or self-absorbed. However, self-inquiry is an essential tool for anyone who wants to improve their life, regardless of whether they are facing challenges or not.

In conclusion, self-inquiry is an essential tool for personal growth and development, and it is a cornerstone of New Thought Philosophy. By engaging in self-inquiry, we can gain greater self-awareness, enhance our personal growth and development, and live a more fulfilling life. So why not start incorporating self-inquiry into your spiritual practice today?

And so it is.

What is Prayer?

And so it is.