Saturday, June 11, 2022

Learning to Love the Pain


Many people suffer due to their lack of awareness of the nature and joy in pain.  Modern science tells us that our mental states are inclined to run away from pain, but we take a different approach.  God feels joy when you are in pain, so wouldn't you want to make God happy?  Learn to love the pain because the answer you seek can only be attained with massive suffering.  Be intentional.  Find ways to increase the pain and you will start to notice that things will get better and better plus your relationship with God will thrive.  You deserve to make God happy.  

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Vortex of Vacillation

 Vortex of Vacillation

Hesitant about freely contributing to the APC Foundation Trust?  You're stuck in the Vortex of Vacillation!  You're not alone.

It pays to speak in positive & prosperous thoughts in order to escape the "VoV" without being sucked back in.  Affirm your needs to raise to a new level of prosperity.

So, what is the Vortex of Vacillation?  We can't tell you because only you know why you got in there in the first place.  The key to the lock is hidden within yourself.  Reach deep down inside to fish it out.  Once you realize your part in under-performing you will discover a new sense of dominion in your social circles that will greet you with open arms as long as you do things correctly.

It's your God-Given right to think Big (as Big as God)!  God wants you to get bigger and bigger.  We dare you to expect only the biggest results.  If you're not getting the results that you'd like, simply increase your contributions to the APC Foundation Trust to 25-30% of your accidental assets.

Solution: Stop talking about your debts.  Keep quiet about your poverty because the universe is listening to your every word.  Stop using credit, start using cash only.  

Don't look back!  The mistakes you made in the past mean nothing anymore.  

Repeat after me:  Like a phoenix from the ash, I will pay cash.  Gold dust is in the air so I will pay fair and square.  Enable my wealth wonders to forgive my poor-minded blunders and set me free from financial thunders.

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

It's Useless to Criticize


Don't forget the attitude of gratitude.  There is no point in criticizing anything or anyone.  
"Judge not lest ye be judged" -Bible

The whole universe hears you and sees you at all times and you would be much better off appreciating the many gifts that surround you and the special aspects inside your soul.  That's the power of our pay-to-pray program.  Don't shrink away to pay what you owe and just do your paperwork.  We'll know if you aren't using your affirmations properly because we are all one and the same.  Make a list of anyone who is holding you back from making persistent contributions to the APC Foundation Trust and we will assist in eliminating them from your life entirely.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Unseen Business Partner


With an unseen business partner, you will be unstoppable.  Failure will no longer be an option.  Imagine your circle of success expanding into the endless horizons.  Never give up contributing to the well-being of yourself under the auspices of the APC Foundation Trust.  Get your vision back on your goal alongside your unseen business partner.  One big step after another & you won't have any problems.  

Friday, June 3, 2022

Reclaim Your Divine Heritage


Chase your dreams and be persistent.  You can become a prince/princess of God once you calculate your accidental assets and freely give to the APC Foundation Trust.

Soon you will be amazed how easy it is to contribute 15-20% of your income once you've aimed a little higher and pushed past the Vortex of Vacillation.

The answer is always "yes" !

And so it is.

Another song inspired by New Thought/Unity

A Real Love That's Kind

Verse 1
A real love that's kind
A real love
Well, we've all heard the same talk about the moon
And all the moon is to do
Well, we at gonna do nothing
And you've got nothing to lose

And you're just one too many miles behind
And you're miles and miles down the track
Now you can't catch a train
But you can leap fences

Verse 2
A real love that's kind
Just as real as a real love
But you're double de meaux and I'm a double wine
And all I've got to dine on
Is a drizzled on deck
And a nice soft drink

And you're just one too many miles behind
And you're miles and miles down the track
Now you can't catch a train
But you can leap fences

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Who Am I?


Who Am I?

My life began when I realized I wanted to be an Artist.  I've been learning to create ever since.  My work explores the relationship between the Spirituality-Industrial Complex and romance religion. With influences as diverse as Caravaggio and Buckminster Fuller, new synergies are generated from both orderly and random narratives.

Ever since I was an art student I have been fascinated by the endless oscillation of the zeitgeist. What starts out as vision soon becomes debased into a cacophony of futility, leaving only a sense of nihilism and the unlikelihood of a new reality.  However, I ended up finding Unity with New Thought and my sensibilities changed permanently.

As spatial derivatives become reconfigured through studious and critical practice, the viewer is left with a clue to the edges of our future.

I'd like to continue manifesting a path that transcends and includes my former self.  Many of us are still in a mindset of lack and poverty which I hope to cure by collecting funds for the benefit of all humanity.  That's why I started the APC Foundation Trust in 2012.  While other people in my circle were anticipating the apocalypse, I was planning on becoming a source of power for entities that only existed in my mind and heart.  Thought by thought, I've noticed numerous inanimate objects responding with divine intelligence.  Everything is filled with intelligence.

And so it is. 

Accidental Assets

 Accidental Assets

Why do we need money?  Well, you don't really.

Here's why:

If you want to learn how to be financially independent and free you must learn to release your accidental assets.  We strongly recommend 15-20% of your accidental assets to be contributed to the APC Foundation Trust.

Assume your assets are just a means to an end:  $alvation

$$$ = Divine Restoration

Put the prosperous thoughts into action by donating without hesitation so you won't get stuck in the Vortex of Vacillation.  Loose Change, No!  We want to see a BIG change.

So, stand up!  Dig deep and envision all you will manifest once you free yourself from 15-20% of your accidental assets and just watch as karma fills your life with outcomes that you've been waiting for.  We are all one so if it's available to you it will be available to me according to the Law of "Me-My-Money-More" or the 4M Method that you will learn at the seminar.  

What is Prayer?

And so it is.