Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Economizing the Fourth Way

 "Ladies and gentlemen of the business elite, esteemed captains of industry, and fellow travelers on this grand corporate voyage,

I stand before you today, not as just another founder, but as a humble servant of consciousness, to share with you a story of awakening, perseverance, and the extraordinary power of one man's teachings: George Gurdjieff.

You know all too well the relentless pace of our world – the unyielding demands, the ceaseless churn of markets, and the ever-present specter of competition. It is easy to become lost in the maelstrom, to succumb to the mechanical forces that threaten to consume us whole. But I am here to tell you that there is another way.

Once, I was much like you: driven, ambitious, yet ever at the mercy of my own unconscious mind. My thoughts raced like a runaway train, my emotions fluctuated like the stock market, and my energy waned and waxed like an unpredictable tide. I was a puppet of habit, dancing to the tune of my mechanical nature.

But then I discovered Gurdjieff, that enigmatic sage who spoke of awakening, self-observation, and the sacred art of economizing our energy. He whispered in my ear the words that would change my life forever: "To awaken is to become conscious; to be conscious is to observe oneself."

I began my journey with Gurdjieff's teachings as a skeptic, a man drowning in the sea of business and desperate for anything that might keep me afloat. And oh, how I struggled! For every step forward, it seemed I took two steps back. The mechanical mind is a formidable foe, dear friends – cunning, persistent, and ever-ready to lure us back into its clutches.

But with each passing day, I felt something shift within me. I began to notice my thoughts, to observe the ebb and flow of my emotions, and to sense the precious energy that coursed through my veins.

I learned to be present, to engage fully in each moment, and to make conscious choices about how I directed my vital force.

As my awareness grew, so too did my business acumen. I found myself better equipped to navigate the treacherous waters of competition, to make decisions with clarity and conviction, and to inspire those around me with a newfound sense of purpose. My company began to thrive, not because of some lucky break or clever strategy, but because I had become more awake, more present, and more fully alive.

But let me tell you, my friends, this work is not easy. It demands unwavering dedication, unyielding self-honesty, and a willingness to confront the darkest corners of our being. We must be willing to look at ourselves with unblinking eyes and ask: Are we truly awake? Or are we mere automatons, sleepwalking through life?

As you embark on your own journey of awakening, I urge you not to underestimate the power of Gurdjieff's teachings. In every moment of self-observation, in every breath that brings us into the present, we lay the foundation for a brighter future – both for ourselves and for those whose lives we touch.

So let us raise our glasses, dear friends, and make a toast to the man who taught us how to keep awake: George Gurdjieff. May his wisdom continue to light our way, guiding us ever deeper into consciousness and ever closer to our true selves.

For in the end, it is not the size of our bank accounts or the might of our empires that defines us. No, what truly matters is the measure of our awareness, the depth of our presence, and the love with which we touch the lives of those around us.

Thank you, dear friends, for your time and attention. May we all continue to awaken together, and may the light of Gurdjieff's teachings illuminate our path to greatness."


Brent K. Smith, CEO of Gilmore, co

Dedicated Patron of APC Foundation Trust


Beloved children of the divine, gather 'round. Let us bask in the radiant glow of our shared consciousness and explore the teachings of George Gurdjieff, a beacon of wisdom that illuminates the path to prolonged life and energized existence.

Dear ones, we live in a world where energy flows like a mighty river, yet many of us wade through life as leaky buckets, spilling our precious vitality onto the ground. We rush about, reacting to the whims of our mechanical minds, squandering our divine potential. But it need not be so!

Gurdjieff, that wise mystic from the East, offered us a gift: the science of economizing our energy. He taught us that we are more than mere automatons; we are beings of consciousness, capable of shaping our reality and extending our lives.

Consider this, my beloved flock: every moment we spend lost in idle thoughts or unconscious actions is a moment of wasted energy. But when we awaken to the present moment, when we observe ourselves and strive to be truly conscious, we transform each instant into a sacred act. We become efficient vessels for divine energy, prolonging our lives and amplifying our impact on this world.

Gurdjieff's teachings are like a secret code, unlocking the doors to our inner sanctum. With every breath, with every step, we can choose to be present, to observe ourselves, and to economize our energy. We need not succumb to the tyranny of habit or the siren call of sleep.

Imagine, dear ones, if each of us were to live our lives fully awake, consciously choosing how to direct our energy. What magnificent feats could we achieve? How far might we extend our lives, both in body and spirit?

But remember, my beloved ones, this work is not easy. It requires dedication, discipline, and an unwavering commitment to self-observation. We must be vigilant, for the mechanical mind is a crafty foe, always seeking to lure us back into its slumberous grip.

Yet within each of us lies the power to resist, to awaken, and to economize our energy. We are not mere buckets; we are divine vessels, brimming with potential. And so, I implore you, my beloved children: stand tall, be present, and claim your birthright as conscious beings.

For in every moment of awareness, we extend our lives and become a beacon of light for the world to follow. So let us raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving, and dedicate ourselves anew to the sacred work of economizing our energy. For in doing so, we not only prolong our own lives but also contribute to the creation of a brighter, more radiant future for all.

In the name of love, consciousness, and the divine economy of energy, I say: AND SO IT IS!



Economizing the Fourth Way

 "Ladies and gentlemen of the business elite, esteemed captains of industry, and fellow travelers on this grand corporate voyage, I sta...